When A Writers Festival Went Virtual, What’s Next?
In 2020, the Singapore Writers Festival went virtual for the first time in its 34-year history. Over the years, it attracted names like two-time Booker Prize winner Margaret Atwood, Whitbread First Novel Award winner Zadie Smith, British poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy, Nebula winner Neil Gaiman and Lambda Literary Award winner Roxane Gay, who in turn attracted visitors from across the region over 10 days each year.
What was the thinking and design that went behind the first virtual event, and as it prepares for its 2021 hybrid edition, happening from November 5-14, how are the organisers planning to execute it?

Yeoh Siew Hoon, Founder of WiT
Yeoh Siew Hoon is the founder of WIT – an events and media platform for media and tech. WIT has won several awards including Most Innovative Marketing Initiative and Trade Conference Of The Year from the Singapore Tourism Board and in 2014, Siew Hoon was recognised Tourism Entrepreneur of The Year. A journalist by profession and passion, she’s also a speaker and facilitator at events around the world as well as a published author.

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