Gevme Next Generation Virtual Events
It’s now easier than ever to run virtual events. The novelty has worn off and the space has become saturated. All virtual events still look the same. People register for these events but do not show up. Or when they do, they are distracted.
Event professionals are now trying to figure out how to make their virtual event stand out. Successful ones have moved beyond the traditional format and embraced the new possibilities enabled by technology. They are the pioneers of the next generation of virtual events. Attendees leave this events feeling like they would not have the same experience anywhere else.
Throughout this series, we’ll show you how you can do just that. We’ll show you how to turn boring virtual events into memorable virtual experiences.
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Data Retention Policy Update Notice
As part of our ongoing commitment to data privacy and security, we are updating our data retention policy. In alignment with our Data Protection Trustmark certification requirements, we have modified how long we retain customer data after subscription termination.
Key Change: Customer data will now be retained for 2 years after subscription termination (reduced from 5 years). This change takes effect from January 1, 2025.
For questions or to learn more, read the full notice.