Theatre Must Go On: Curious Case of The Missing Peranakan Treasure at the Raffles

Singapore actor and artist Hossan Leong woke up in cold sweat on August 10, 2020, the day after he had hosted the National Day Parade. Foreseeing a lifetime of unemployment given how Covid had shut down live theatre and performances, he reached out to industry friend, Derrick Chew, to plot their future in a world gone virtual. This is the howdunit story of a whodunit digital interactive play the two friends came up with, fusing hospitality, theatre and technology.

Yeoh Siew Hoon, Founder of WiT
Yeoh Siew Hoon is the founder of WIT – an events and media platform for media and tech. WIT has won several awards including Most Innovative Marketing Initiative and Trade Conference Of The Year from the Singapore Tourism Board and in 2014, Siew Hoon was recognised Tourism Entrepreneur of The Year. A journalist by profession and passion, she’s also a speaker and facilitator at events around the world as well as a published author.

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