From Virtual Events to Digitally Enabled Events
Join Gevme’s Founder & CEO, Veemal Gungadin for a satellite interview with Joshua Butler, Co-Founder & COO at Falcon Events, who joined us all the way from Dallas, TX.
Joshua shares his insight into the evolution of events and how “modern events” have to be neither strictly virtual and nor completely in-person. He also shares his experience and learnings from organising more than 400 virtual/hybrid events and which format is the most successful.
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Data Retention Policy Update Notice
As part of our ongoing commitment to data privacy and security, we are updating our data retention policy. In alignment with our Data Protection Trustmark certification requirements, we have modified how long we retain customer data after subscription termination.
Key Change: Customer data will now be retained for 2 years after subscription termination (reduced from 5 years). This change takes effect from January 1, 2025.
For questions or to learn more, read the full notice.