Gevme Connect Winter 2022


CONNECT, our quarterly product launch event, is a showcase of Gevme’s disruptive product innovations and improvements. Every quarter, we aim to introduce and build upon features that is at the intersection of human – technology interaction and optimises event experience for all stakeholders.

From virtual to hybrid to physical and now omnichannel, the event industry is evolving fast. While the industry is adopting in-person events at lightning speed, we have been focusing on augmenting this move with the use of technology. Following suit, we are excited to bring to you, our latest Mobile experiences to elevate events.

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Elevating event experiences with digital first approach
Elevating your events with mini experiences
Panel Discussion on Declutter, Leverage & Elevate

Data Retention Policy Update Notice

As part of our ongoing commitment to data privacy and security, we are updating our data retention policy. In alignment with our Data Protection Trustmark certification requirements, we have modified how long we retain customer data after subscription termination.
Key Change: Customer data will now be retained for 2 years after subscription termination (reduced from 5 years). This change takes effect from January 1, 2025.

For questions or to learn more, read the full notice.