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Innovative Ideas for an Event Management Company

Innovative Ideas

Corporate events are among the best ways to efficiently present not only the focused product but your business as a whole. They provide a great occasion to show what your company is and what it has to offer. 

Creative ideas for an event or at least small novelties you prepare beforehand can give you some good, cost-efficient yet long-standing promotion. This goes for any occasion – from meetups and business parties to conferences and award shows. 

Creative ideas for event

How is The Event Industry Changing?

In the 21st century, it becomes more and more complicated to impress people. That’s why the current event technology trends should be considered when preparing event scenarios and concepts. To stay impressive and original, you shouldn’t wholly refuse standard ides. Instead, you should update them and adapt them to the current realities.

It’s essential to keep balance and common sense in mind – trendy tendencies can be a real unique point of the event, but they shouldn’t overshadow the main idea and become the main reason for the occasion. 

Traditional Events vs Innovative Events.

Under current events, we mean scenarios that had been used for decades – parties with live music, balls, banquets, and buffets. These are usually things that are unlikely to impress the demanding audience. This means a lower level of promotion for your company, business or product(s).  

Innovative events ideas imply adding unusual things and customising traditional scenarios. Themed parties, interactive showcases, vivid designs – all that can put an exciting twist on your event, stimulating the guests to share their impressions later on. And this may be the ultimate goal of new ads. 

Traditional Events vs. Innovative Events

Defining the event style, you should clarify its primary goal. The classic style best fits business negotiations, professional networking, investment attraction, and such – i.e., events where there shouldn’t be many distracting factors. Alternatively, more generalised occasions should be packed with entertainment and promotional feats.  

What to Expect?

The major innovation event ideas of the now are based on various technologies. They can also touch multiple fields of business, with the vast majority concerning technology-focused events. Extraordinary occasions have all the chances to get some functional resonance among the target audience, boosting your company’s success. 

Innovative Ideas for an Event Management Company.

Modern trends that imply extraordinary, innovative approaches make an increasing impact on event management scenarios. Nowadays, the organisers’ imagination is the limit. But let’s consider the most prominent concepts that can liven up traditional events and attract much more audience attention. 

VR – virtual reality.

Virtual reality techniques allow the showcase guests to go through some novel experiences. The technology can immerse anyone interested in a vivid virtual world in any setting – from street racing events in Monaco to medieval environments. This is undoubtedly the one tech concept to make everyone remember your stand for a long time. 

Graphic recording.

Another yet tier of innovative ideas for event planning that many tend to forget about vainly. Visual recording presentations serve as a great piece of entertainment for all guests while also being informative and promotional. 

SXSW is a vivid example of how extraordinary graphic installations can be made. The “Dream Tweet” installation by Samsung allowed guests to express their life dreams in the form of hashtags and projected them onto the wall as an animated feature, liven up the whole event. 

Panasonic created an 18-pillar installation with panels that adapted in a certain way to every other presenter. This shook up the ordinary conference and allowed to translate all the info more efficiently. 

Graphic recording

Lighted wallpaper.

Visual artists help create static, animated, and panoramic projections. The lighting can be employed in the most various ways – you can make a solid, impressive floor and wall-projected panoramas that can highlight everything that you showcase. 

To prominently present their Cosmos, the Fox company created a night starry sky installation. This experience astounded the guests. 

Lighted wallpaper

Hashtag printer.

A great example of web marketing through social media. The Hashtag printer prints photos from the web with specific tags. The images are gathered into collages by the printer and are handed out to everyone present. Everyone who makes a post with the tag gets mentioned. 

Lunch clubbing.

This concept can help shake up even the most ordinary occasions. Everyone has a fun party, with food, dances, and not a word about work. This is a beneficial approach for team-building efforts when people go beyond their workflow activities and get to know each other closer. 

Personalised digital marketing.

18% of professional event organisers claim that influencer marketing is the most efficient tactic for selling tickets. Adapt to your audience when promoting and organising an event. Post your ads in the target sector where it won’t be neglected. Invite guests that have a say in that sector. 

A famous instance of successful influencer marketing is associated with webinars in real-time available to those who aren’t able to be present physically. This is one of the efficient ways to boost brand awareness. 

Audience feedback.

Direct interaction with the audience and between guests changes the whole set of an event. Mobile technologies can help you get guests’ feedback in real-time. You can implement interactive surveys that will be readily available for all present at the distance of reaching for a smartphone in the pocket. 

Live to stream.

Periscope and Livestream services open new horizons for organisers, attracting vast audiences of users from all over the world. Such globalisation enhances international brand awareness and boosts the efficiency of special offers. 

live streaming

Streamlined services.

Advanced payment systems have significantly simplified event-related calculations. The less time you spend counting all the numbers manually, the more effort and attention you can dedicate to the event itself and impressions it will leave on visitors afterwards. 

Tips for Planners.

Event planning is a complicated affair that requires prolonged preparations along with consideration of numerous nuances. To target the most successful organisation of the event concept, you should go by the following stages:

1. Criteria. Proper goal definition is the foundation of any concept realisation. Based on the significant tasks, you can define the most proper type of event flow and audience.

2. Format. The defined scale of the event should follow the understanding of goals. It can either a closed gathering of companies or an open international presentation. From the most common scenarios, we can highlight:

    • Auction – best fits charity events;
    • Presentation – a showcase of company products;
    • Ceremony – recognition of input by individual people;
    • Seminar – an educational affair.

3. Organisation. The direction of the event defines its location. Moreover, you should understand whether you’ll be able to handle the organisation single-handedly or need to involve third parties.

4. Budget. Having handled all the previous questions, you can now plan out the budget, delineating every action and assessing its approximate cost. Make emphasis on the quality of each point, not the amount or intensity – high eventivity at the low quality of realisation is a no go. 

5. Contents & structure. The study of the invited audience lets you efficiently plan out the contents of the event, its schedule, and such. Gender, age, geography – these are only small details that will help you properly direct your preparations. Learning the niche trends and themed resources (social media, forums, even offline meetups), you can invite the most interested people for a particular themed event. 

6. Branding. Branding your event is one of the most essential steps in running an event. It gives your event a unique personality.  It’s the very essence of who you are, what you represent, and what attendees can expect when they visit your event. Nowadays, event branding is not anymore about stylistic elements – fonts, colours, logo. Now, event branding has evolved positioning, mission, messaging, key visuals, a well-crafted attendee persona, and key points of attendee experience during the event.

7. Plan B. Think through emergency plans as well, which will help you out in the case of unforeseen happenings – from the accommodation of invitees to the particular event moments (with food, entertainment, etc.). 

8. Feedback. You should find out two key moments: which improvements you should implement further on and what is the efficiency of your investments. The first will aid you in advancing to a new level of quality in the organisation while the latter will indicate the reasonability and scale of everything you do. 

Contact our experts right now if you have come up with an event concept and need to implement it on a high-quality level. We can also help you come up with one as we have extensive experience and various tested original solutions to help you organise to impress truly. 

Use innovation to grow your event business.

Innovative events management may seem like an effort-intensive and complicated process, but there is no reason for you to lack what it takes. Especially if you turn to real experts and monitor the whole organisation stage by stage as we’ve highlighted in this article. 

Keep in mind that the main thing is to see the significant goal of the event. Based on that, you can go on and build its structure, schedule, inviting criteria, etc. An adequate understanding of the expected result is the primary key to the success of your project. 

Level up your events with Gevme’s omnichannel event platform

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