Gevme vs Hopin

Gevme: Your flexible, feature-rich alternative to Hopin

High level of customisability - Gevme works like a website builder, so you can create and customise a virtual event without knowing how to code
Richer possibilities for online engagement, thanks to greater integration with third-party controls
Improved analytics that can wring deeper insights from your event than Hopin ever can

Not all virtual event platforms are created equal. The fast-evolving global events industry has seen a number of major platforms gain prominence, catering to an ever-growing demand for virtual conferences. 

But as many early adopters have found to their frustration, some virtual event platforms are powerful only up to a point—sometimes falling short of the value that organisers pay for. 

Consider the Hopin events platform. It’s grown its userbase by millions this year, on the strength of an easy-to-use feature set. But has that ease of use come at a cost to the platform’s customisability, ability to engage attendees, and analytics capability? 

And all things considered, how does Gevme measure up?

Ready to get started

Talk to an expert from our team and see how Gevme can streamline your events.

What Gevme does better


There’s a reason you invest money in a virtual event platform. You want an online event that broadcasts your identity from start to finish, looking distinct in form and function from your competitors’ events.  Virtual event platforms like Hopin offer customisability, but only to a certain extent. Hopin users may find the colours and other customisation options too limited to their taste. The platform’s public API also falls short where custom integrations are concerned.  GEVME, in sharp contrast, offers a high level of customisation, accessible even to users who don’t know how to code; and an extensive (and growing) list of integrations

For example:

GEVME has been a great technology partner. They are able to follow our creative vision and come with solutions on integrating and designing the perfect client journey, whether for an internal meeting or a customer-facing event.
Alexis Lhoyer
Co-Founder of Chab Events and Chab LAB


A member survey conducted by the Professional Convention Management Association found that over 80% were planning more online events in the future—but found their biggest challenge in maintaining audience engagement.  Engaging attendees can be a challenge for certain platforms. Take Hopin: with its lacklustre toolset and integrations, event organisers have less leverage in the online engagement department. Organisers with more ideas for capturing and maintaining attendees’ attention simply don’t have a wide enough toolkit to implement their plan. GEVME recognises that effective event engagement solutions are more than just a “nice to have”—they actually result in a 10% to 15% average increase in conversions.  That’s why we’ve made positive attendee engagement a priority for our virtual event platform. Organisers will have the right tools to enhance user experience and bring events to a successful conclusion:

Event organisers can use Gevme’s other engagement tools to connect with attendees closely. These include:

Learn from the Best

Gevme Studios
Our event studio dedicated to bringing you live experiences and original content series dedicated entirely to the craft of event management


Virtual events have one major advantage over physical live events: they let you collect data and measure performance against KPIs, so you can dig deep and gain insights from the audience and their engagement. 

Some users may find Hopin’s analytics package to be enough for their needs—but may find that it doesn’t track as many useful metrics. Measurable KPIs for Hopin don’t go far enough, particularly for lower-price tiers. That means organisers may feel they have less ability to make informed decisions that can influence future virtual events. 

GEVME, on the other hand, offers a full-scale event reporting system and virtual events analytics solution that lets organisers visualise their event progress and measure what engages their attendees’ audience the most. You can even export the event data into your preferred business intelligence (BI) platform for even deeper insight into your event. 

Where Gevme excels overall

As a virtual event platform, Gevme offers a suite of premium features and unique capabilities that elevate it above the competition. Consider the following features: 

Working with a tech partner is as much about the people as it is about the tech. Like us, Gevme is willing to push boundaries and try new stuff.
Siew Hoon WiT
Yeoh Siew Hoon
Founder of WiT


Gevme delivers

Virtual event platforms like Hopin offer feature sets that can fall short of expectations. If you’re after a more customisable event experience, with the potential for deeper engagement and insights, then Gevme should be part of your plan. 

GEVME offers a feature-rich, infinitely customisable virtual event platform that scales up well for events of any size. Whether you’re creating intimate group get-togethers or presenting to a virtual audience of thousands, look to Gevme to deliver the experience your audience deserves. 

Ready to get started

Talk to an expert from our team and see how Gevme can streamline your events.

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