Let`s talk about hashtags! #hashtagtalk #hashtagseverywhere #eventhashtags #thishashtagstuff #isreallypunny #can`tstophashtagging #stopmeplease 🙂 #cutecatvideohashtags
Ok, all kidding aside. The serious part is coming. Hashtags are not a secret know-how anymore. Everyone is using it. It simplifies search, emphasizes the main idea, unites conversations around things and just plain cool. People got used to using it. Therefore, businesses shouldn’t lag behind. Using hashtags you can easily get your event audience to create the buzz on social media. So, let me walk you through Hashtagslandistan.
How to set up a hashtag for an event
That`s easy! As easy as pie! Only 5 steps and (presto!) we’re done.
1. Understand your audience
Do your attendees use hashtags? Wait a sec. Do they have access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.? If yes – are they between the ages of 15 and 45 (these group of people is more likely to use hashtags)? If yes – undoubtedly go on to step number 2.
2. Brainstorm hashtag ideas
Be unique. That`s your mantra. Your MUST be in here. First of all, come up with as many ideas as you can. If you got stuck and your creative juices aren’t flowing. There’s no need to worry. Use online hashtag generators (e.g. Hashtagify.me, RiteTag, and Trendsmap). They can generate hashtag ideas for you. Write down the list of brainstormed hashtags for your event and snag the best one.
Some suggestions for choosing the most suitable hashtag:
- Keep it short and memorable
- Don’t overthink this: use keywords related to your event
- Be special and weird but within reason
3. Search for the hashtag
The probability of non-uniqueness is high, but our goal is to find a 100% unique hashtag. Therefore, don’t forget to check your originality before you start using it.
4. Promote your event with the hashtag
That`s part of your event’s branding activities. The right promotion of your event can create a buzz. Thus, use the hashtag on every single one of your posts about the event. It will help you get people interested and involved.
5. Engage with hashtag users and repost
While engaging you’re letting people know that you appreciate their engagement. So, don’t hesitate to like and comment on posts by people using your hashtag, tag people (who are using your hashtag) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc.
The engagement should not be allowed to slide.
Benefits of hashtag and where you can use them
You will find many positives while hashtagging your posts. The most visible are:
- Increased viewership
- Create new customers (prospects, leads)
- Additional branding
- Build social followers
- Track your competition
You can hashtag events.in such social networks:
- Google+
- YouTube
- Tumblr
How to use them for advertising your event
Here are the lists of the do`s and don’ts for making the best hashtags for events:
- Be specific
- Cater hashtags to the social network you’re using
- Be relevant and search for the unbranded hashtag
- Go too long or too clever
- Have more hashtags than words
- Hashtag everything
Popular Hashtags in the Events Industry:
Let`s tests the waters and take a look at some popular event hashtags! We already did the research for you. Welcome to the list of hashtags for event planners!
Facebook hashtags for events
Find  out the trending hashtags for Facebook below:
#events, #eventprofs, #eventtech, #eventplanning, #eventmarketing, #eventmanagement, #eventbusiness, #eventmeeting, #eventbudget, #eventvenue, #eventplatform, #eventawards, #meetingprofs.
Twitter hashtags for events
Take a look at the most popular hashtags for Twitter below:
#events, #eventprofs, #eventtech, #eventplanning, #eventplanner, #eventmarketing, #eventmanagement, #eventmeeting, #meetingprofs, #eventtechtalk, #VR, #AR, #mixedreality, #socialwall, #livestream, #videostreaming, #AI, #chatbots, #drones, #audiovisual #robots.
Instagram hashtags for events
Find out the crowd-pleasing hashtags for Instagram below:
#aeprofs #event #events #eventplanning #eventprofs #eventprofs #eventtech #staffing #meetingprofs
Linkedin hashtags for events
Here are famous hashtags for Linkedin below:
#events, #eventprofs, #eventtech, #eventplanninng, #eventmarketing, #eventmanagement, #eventbusiness, #eventplatform.
Don’t be skeptical and biased. For sure you have to use the hashtags! It can boost your sales and make for an incredibly awesome brand awareness. Put your time into it. You’ll see the results.
Here’s hoping you create one of the best event hashtags ever! Learn the event industry intricacies with Gevme – get started for free.