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How to Prepare a Venue for an Event

Check list for venue set up

Knowing how to prepare a venue for an event is one of the key points in event planning. Choosing a venue for an event is also one of the first negotiation points as well. The rest of the preparation process will depend on the decision made about the venue. If you’re lucky, the event market will offer a variety of good venues. Your task is to examine the pitfalls, consider the pros and cons, and choose the best venue for your event that fits with your set criteria and budget.

How to find and choose a venue

Regardless of the event type and scale, as a rule, only a limited number of places are usually available for your consideration. Keep in mind that there may always be competition for a certain venue, so do not take too long making your decision. In order to carry out a targeted search for a venue, it is first necessary to determine the general conditions and criteria that a given venue must meet. These conditions for all activities are usually quite similar. However, there are three factors that are crucial to be aware of:

  • The number of guests
  • The time of day and season of the event
  • The type of event

The venue for the upcoming event is basically chosen depending on these factors as well as some other event elements and criteria.

How to prepare an event venue

There are certain must-have elements for every event. These include:

  • Budget
  • Attendee registration
  • Physical space and assets
  • Food and beverage
  • Team
  • Wi-Fi, tech, outlets, etc.
  • Audio-visual equipment
  • Accommodations

Let’s talk about each of these a bit in detail.


Take care of any legal issues and contracts. The following are subject to regulation: budget, price (including additional expenses), cancellation conditions, terms and duration (from when the venue is at the organizer’s disposal), closure of streets for transportation, construction supervision, and other event-specific criteria. Information on the drafting of contracts is usually available in the General Terms & Conditions section.

Attendee registration

The availability of a sufficient number of registration desks or islands is a must. This should be based on the expected number of visitors. Mobile devices, tablets, scanners, printers, or other devices should be available for active use during registration.

Physical space and assets

The venue must be available to the organizers from the event venue preparation start time until the date of the event. This is the most important criterion and must be met by all means. If you rent a venue, make sure you have enough time to set everything up and extra time in the end.

It should be spacious enough to accommodate a planned number of guests but not too large: an arena for 10,000 spectators is unlikely to be appropriate for a firm’s small anniversary celebration.

The organizers may need special infrastructure, such as a lake for a water sports competition or a room equipped with special multimedia equipment for seminars where employees of an international enterprise will be trained.

Food and beverages

Depending on the venue chosen for the event, the type of venue, and location, sales of food and beverages may or may not be needed. For example, in a restaurant, such points are arranged in advance or are available initially, while in a celebration area, the placement of stalls can vary. Separate sales of food and beverages are recommended, especially at large events.

Prices should be provided for any food or beverage items. If coupons are accepted for payment, a special sign should indicate where they can be purchased.

Water must be supplied and served in the proper areas. You may also take advantage of catering or food truck services.


Employees on the catering team are not allowed to eat, drink, or smoke in the places where sales take place or in the goods delivery area.

Service personnel’s uniform must be appropriate for the event or the product being sold as well as fit the theme.

Your team members should also be well-clad according to the chosen dress code. Volunteers should be distinctively dressed to be easily noticed by the attendants.

Wi-fi, tech, outlets, etc.

For each event, a list of priority equipment will need to be compiled that clearly indicates what is needed for uninterrupted and timely customer service. All equipment should be delivered and set up on time and adjusted and tested before the start of the event.

Audio-visual equipment

The same criteria as above should be applied to audio-visual equipment and security.


The venue for an event preparation also requires some decision making on the location and the necessary analysis, in particular, analyzing the practical value for choosing a place for an event. If you accept registrations from foreigners or people from different cities, prepare accommodations for them so they can stay near the venue. Also think over transportation and other logistical requirements.

Tips for choosing the best venue

There are seven crucial tips for how to prepare the best event venue:

  1. Make sure you know how many guests will be attending.

Matching the venue size and the number of guests is dependent on the format of the event.

Is it necessary to arrange seating or tables for guests? Would it be more efficient to organize an event in a cocktail party style?

If this is the case, you will definitely save time and money by not serving at each table. A comfortable capacity of the venue depends on the size of the meeting area, the availability of seats and other furniture, etc.

  1. Check the weather forecast.

Corporate events in conference halls, at hotels, or in crowded bars have become pretty commonplace and boring. But even such ordinary events can shine brightly if you do one simple thing: choose an unusual and unique location.

Pay attention to summer terraces, rooftops or open areas, boats, or elsewhere. There is no need to languish in stuffy rooms during the summer. Check the weather forecast, and turn your attention to finding a site that will impress the guests of any event without worrying about any unexpected consequences like rain, wind, etc.

  1. Remember the event’s purpose.

Depending on the purpose, specify whether the selected location is appropriate to host your event. The interior and infrastructure should complement the vision of the organizer. The features of a room can make the event comfortable or have the opposite effect, adding unnecessary trouble. A clear understanding of the purpose and expectations of the event is the most important element when preparing and choosing the location.

  1. Do you plan to invite musicians or DJs?

Good technical equipment at the location will simplify preparation for the event and help save money on renting and delivering speakers, mics, cables, and other equipment. It will certainly save you time and spare your nerves when searching for the necessary equipment. It is also important to clarify any restrictions on noise and any time issues of the event. It is unlikely that you will want to be left without musical accompaniment after 11 p.m., as required by the law in some places.

  1. Is it better to order catering or deliver food and drinks instead?

Pay attention to issues with the location of the kitchen. The presence of a refrigerator, oven, and kitchen utensils is very important if you are planning to prepare refreshments on your own.

Another option is to order the services of a catering company or a food truck. Professionals will help you choose the menu, depending on the type of event and the number of participants. Food is something that you definitely need to take care of in advance.

  1. Pay attention to the venue location.

Safe parking, public transportation, the local area, and the venue as a whole are the first things your guests will see. Therefore, this issue should be thought out right from the start. Be aware of the nuances of the city. If the time of the event falls at rush hour, choose a location away from the busiest roads and city life.

  1. Think of how you want to decorate the venue for the best experience.

It is good practice to prepare a short exposure to the venue location and the most convenient way to get it decorated.


Now that you know how to prepare a venue for an event and its pros and cons, you should have an idea of an ideal event venue, the issues on location, necessary equipment, and refreshments. The success of your event, regardless of the program, is guaranteed, especially if you choose the professional organization and event management assistance of Gevme.

Level up your events with Gevme’s omnichannel event platform

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