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3 Tips to Ensure Security at Your Events

As an event planner or organizer, an important part of your responsibility is making sure that everyone in attendance at your event is in a safe environment, and that your venue is secured. With a large amount of people gathered at events, security issues can arise in many forms, from terrorist threats and protests to mishaps in equipment and general emergencies. Here are 3 tips to take note of as you plan for your event to ensure a safe and secure function.

Perform a risk assessment

A risk assessment table


As you begin planning for your event, perform a risk assessment to identify possible security issues. Consider the attention and profile of your event, the number of guests, special guests in attendance and the venue where it is held. A high profile event with celebrities may see fans and unauthorized media trying to access the venue, which is a security risk. A large number of attendees also raises security concerns as evacuation may be difficult in the case of an accident. Take note of your evaluation and determine the security level you need before approaching a security provider.

Include a security representative in meetings

Always keep your security provider updated on the event


Throughout the planning phase of your event, include a representative from your security provider so that they are aware of the schedule, logistics, and personnel involved. Always provide them with updated details so that they can advise on risks and formulate a suitable security plan. This includes the size of the venue, number of entrances/exits and which entrance the guests and special guests will enter from, whether the area is fenced up, as well as admittance requirements.

Have detailed job descriptions for all staff during the event

A operations manager briefing event staff


It is of utmost importance that staff and security work hand-in-hand and are properly communicated to. With so many people involved in the event, each individual should be aware of their duties so that safety procedures can be conducted smoothly should accidents occur or security is challenged. Before the event, brief staff and security on the security plan, and highlight the key personnel in charge so that any risks can be reported to them.

These are just some points to take note of, as every event has their own set of possible hazards and security risks. While you can’t plan for every possible mishap, the key is to be meticulous in assessing your event so that you can mitigate any threat to the safety of your event. After your event, do conduct a post-mortem analysis to learn from any oversights and improve your next event!

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