SGWIT IWD 2O24: WITness Her Spark

Fri, 8 Mar, 2024, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

InterContinental Singapore, Grand Ballroom, Level 2

80 Middle Road, Singapore 188966

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Due to full capacity, registration for SGWIT IWD 2024: WITness Her Spark is now closed.
For any queries, please reach out to Do stay updated on our activities by following us on Linkedin - SG Women in Tech and SGWIT Website.
Don't miss out on joining us at the ATxWIT event on 31 May 2024. See you there!


Celebrate with women across the tech ecosystem and delve into the stories of trailblazers, not just from the stage, but alongside you.

Network with peers, mentors, leaders, and connect beyond boundaries. Join us for an inspiring day and hear from our female leaders who have illuminated paths, and companies who created a nurturing and empowering environment for women to thrive.

Get insights on how our speakers and SG100WIT honourees navigate and rise above to lead, and learn how to have your voice amplified and heard. WITness women in Singapore’s tech ecosystem, from public sector to research industry, from innovators to leaders and get together to forge a path for an inclusive digital future, where talent, not gender, defines success. 

Together, let’s create a constellation of brilliance and transform the techverse, one spark a time.
 Time Programme
 9:00 AM     Attendees Registration. Light breakfast provided for networking    
 9:30 AM     Opening Address
 By Dr. Ong Chen Hui, Chair of SGWIT
 9:40 AM Keynote Address
 By Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister of Communications and Information
 10:00 AM Panel 1: Ignite Her Potential, Rising Together


 Dr. Annie Koh
 Professor Emeritus of Finance (Practice), Singapore Management University

 - H.E. Kara Owen, British High Commissioner to Singapore
 - Dr. Loh Huanqian, President's Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
 - Ng Wee Wei, Senior Managing Director, Market Unit Lead for Southeast Asia, Accenture
 10:45 AM Corporate Pledge Showcases
Genie Sugene Gan
 Director of Government Affairs & Public Policy, APJ & META regions, Kaspersky
 Carolyn Chin-Parry
 Digital Innovation Leader, PwC Singapore
 11:10 AM Panel 2: From Idea to Product


 Suchitra Narayan
 Director of Venture Building, SG Innovate

 - Dr. Zhaoru Lin, Chief Operating Officer, AbAsia BioLabs
 - Rowena Yeo, Global CTO & Senior VP Technology Services, Johnson & Johnson
 - Sharon Ng, Ministry Family Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore 
 11:45 AM Closing Speech by Emcee
 12:00 PM Lunch and Networking
 1:00 PM  WiGnite Your Spark by GovTech (for public sector women only)
 End at 4:00 PM
This event is over. For more information, please contact the organiser