25 - 27 Apr, 2017



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"Semicon Southeast Asia 2017, the region's premier platform for engaging microelectronics manufacturing technology, provides exceptional opportunities to learn and share information about the latest developnents in microelectronics, inluding semicondutors, MEMS, LEDs and more. The SEMICON Southeast Asia will focus on the key trends and solutions in semiconductor design and manufacturing, including emphasis on serving the needs of expanding applications markets many of which require development of specialized materials, packaging, and test technologies, as well as new architectures and processes–solutions to industry challenges that can best be addressed at SEMICON Southeast Asia. SEMICON Southeast Asia 2016 will continue to expand its relevancy in mid-backend manufacturing, focusing on packaging and testing on MEMS and FOWLP and more, automation and system integration. "
This event is supported under International Marketing Activities Programme (iMAP). For more details of the event, please contact the organiser
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