Singapore Creator Awards Webinar: Decoding User Designs In the New Normal

Thu, 8 Apr, 2021, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (GMT+8.0)
Online Event

Singapore Creator Awards Webinar: Decoding User Designs In the New Normal

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Singapore Creator Awards 2021 and SMU IIE Presents:
Decoding User Designs In the New Normal Webinar

The new normal has presented unprecedented challenges in many aspects of our everyday life. User designs, design thinking could help us navigate the new normal with greater ease. Be it products, architecture or user experience designs. It is also a good time to explore designs that promote inclusivity, design of products and environments that  are functional and user-centric, leveraging on design research.

Take inspiration from renowned industry experts and academics as they share insights on user designs and design research, and how user-centric products can contribute to a brand success.

Date / Time: 8 April (Thursday) / 4pm to 5.30pm 
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation available in Mandarin)
Moderator: Mr Fred Lai, Innovation Manager, Singapore Press Holdings Limited

Speakers & Topics: 
  • Mr Low Cheaw Hwei,  Head of Design, Philips Experience Design - Asia
    Topic - Designing experience, experience design 
  • Associate Professor Tamas MAKANY, Communication Management (Practice), Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
    Topic - Design Research: The sibling that every product/UX designer needs
  • Mr Edwin Sam, Head of Consumer Inclusiveness, SG Enable
    Topic - Being inclusive is a good business strategy




  • 飞利浦亚洲设计顾问总监 刘昭槐  
  • 新加坡管理大学李光前商学院传播管理学(实践)副教授、前Netflix高级设计研究员 Tamas MAKANY
  • 新加坡协助残障者自立局消费服务共融倡导主任 岑浩明​
主持人:新加坡报业控股媒体策略部门经理 赖彦志
报名:讲堂将透过Zoom Webinar线上进行,免费但须预先报名,成功报名者将获电邮通知 
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