JTC Jurong Innovation District (JID) Day 2023

Thu, 19 Oct, 2023, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM (GMT+8.0)

Auditorium, CleanTech Three

8 Cleantech Loop, Singapore

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Master planned and developed by JTC, Jurong Innovation District (JID), the 600-hectare advanced manufacturing hub is home to a manufacturing ecosystem of R&D centres, technology partners, training providers and factories of the future. JID creates opportunities for collaboration to develop and implement innovative sustainable solutions across various industries by bringing  together businesses, research institutions, and other stakeholders.

Key Highlights of Jurong Innovation District (JID) Day

 Announcement of Official Openings of A*STAR SIMTech at CleanTech 2B (CT2B) and A*STAR NMC at CleanTech 3 (CT3)

 Announcement of the Launch of Sectorial Job Redesign Initiatives for Business and Workforce Transformation by Trade Associations & Chambers, with support from Workforce Singapore (WSG) and JTC

JID Facility Tours & Industry Sharing: Showcase of technologies and new initiatives by JID companies and JTC Industry Connect partners

Networking Tea Reception at Industry Connect Office at CT3

Programme Flow

1.00pmRegistration of Guests at CleanTech 3 Auditorium
2.00pmArrival of Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Trade and Industry, Gan Kim Yong
2.05pmWelcome Address by CEO of JTC, Tan Boon Khai
  • Announcement of Official Openings of A*STAR SIMTech at CT2B and A*STAR NMC at CT3
  • Launch of Sectoral Job Redesign Initiative for Business and Workforce Transformation
2.30pmJID Facility Tours & Industry Sharing Networking Tea Reception
4.30pmEnd of Programme

Facility Tours & Industry Sharing
Track 1
Duration: 2 hours
Hosting Partners: A*STAR ARTC, A*STAR SIMTech
Locations: CleanTech 2A, CleanTech 2B
Highlights: Showcase of technology collaboration initiatives with industry players  

Track 2
Duration: 1 hour 45 min
Hosting Partners: Sodick Singapore Training Centre, Xnergy Autonomous Power Technologies, A*STAR NMC
Locations: LaunchPad@JID, CleanTech 3
Highlights: Introduction to new and emerging technologies

Track 3
Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Hosting Partners: Bosch Rexroth Regional Training Centre, Surbana Jurong Campus
Locations: CleanTech Park, CleanTech 3
Highlights: Workforce upskilling initiatives and development of sustainable building features

Track 4
Duration: 1 hour 45 min
Hosting Partners: WSG & Trade Associations, UOB

Location: CleanTech 3 Auditorium
Highlights: Business and workforce transformation strategies and adoption of sustainable solutions

P.S. Registration for the Tracks is on first-come-first-served basis, so fastest fingers first!

Register your interest and choose your track now!

JTC Jurong Innovation District (JID) Day 2023

Event Venue

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