Industry 4.0 Human Capital Initiative (IHCI) Enabler Programme

Wed, 9 Dec, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (GMT+8.0)
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COVID-19 has disrupted businesses and operations around the world. Companies that have embarked on Industry 4.0 transformation journeys are better positioned to meet the challenges caused by the pandemic. 

Join us on 9 December 2020, 2.00pm - 3.30pm, to explore the role of digitalisation in building resilience and improving operational performance in a post-pandemic new normal. Learn more about industry trends, as well as understand how the Industry 4.0 Human Capital Initiative (IHCI) Enabler programme will support businesses kickstart their digitalisation efforts. 

JTC's Industry Connect links you with like-minded companies, government agencies, academia & solution providers to help grow your business. 

Post-COVID Trends and Introduction to I4.0 & IHCI Enabler Programme

Mr. Kenneth Koh
Associate Partner, Director of IHCI Enabler Programme
McKinsey & Company

Mr. Koh is part of the IHCI Enabler Programme, an initiative that helps organisations adapt for Industry 4.0. He has 12 years of experience in the field of business and operations transformation work, and has guided more than 50 clients on their Industry 4.0 transformation process. 


Sharing by IHCI Alumni

Mr. Alan Tan
General Manager

Mr. Tan first entered the precision engineering field as an apprentice machinist in 1987. Today, he is the General Manager of Avimac. He works closely with the company's team leaders to ensure smooth operations and production, and is also responsible for sharing his knowledge on the latest technologies at Avimac.


Mr. Eddie Yap
Director of Manufacturing Projects
FMC Technologies

Mr. Yap has more than 20 years of operations management under his belt. One of the key focus areas in his current role is to spearhead automation and digitalisation initiatives in the organisation's manufacturing division. 


Please RSVP by 4 December 2020.
We look forward to seeing you.

JTC Industry Connect Team



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