China (Yunnan)-Singapore Economic Cooperation and China-South Asia Expo Promotion Seminar

Thu, 4 Apr, 2013, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM (GMT+8.0)

Shangri-la Hotel, Tower Ballroom Singapore


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To promote economic exchanges with Singapore, the Yunnan Govenment will be organising a promotional seminar to introduce the Yunnan market to Singapore companies. Companies with business interests in the Yunnan market are cordially invited to attend the seminar.

Date & Time: 4 Apr 2013, 10am to 11.15am

Venue: Tower Ballroom, Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore

Dress Code: Formal

RSVP: Interested attendees may register for the event by sending your name, designation, company, contact number, and email to

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China (Yunnan)-Singapore Economic Cooperation and China-South Asia Expo Promotion Seminar

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