BuildTech Asia 2022
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BuildTech Asia (BTA) 2022 is ready to come back in a hybrid format from 15 - 17 March 2022 at the Singapore Expo.
Being the region’s premiere B2B trade event on Building and Construction Technology, BTA 2022 aims to help accelerate the adoption of digitalized solution and smart technologies as part of the industry transformation roadmap for the Built Environment sector.
This 11th edition brings together 10,000 trade professionals to convene virtually and physically, to facilitate exchange of insights, knowledge, and solutions to help Start, Scale and Sustain their transformation journey, focusing on the following key segments: Building Materials, Construction Machineries, Architectural Finishes, Facilities Management and Productive Technology.

* to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy and
* to the collection, use, processing, storage and/or disclosure of your personal information by the BuildTech Asia’s organisers and managers for activities/events of BuildTech Asia, including without limitation registration, invoicing, news, updates, matching programmes, partnerships, collaborations, website/platform usage, marketing/promotion and outreach activities for products and services.
BuildTech Asia (BTA) 2022 is ready to come back in a hybrid format from 15 - 17 March 2022 at the Singapore Expo.
Being the region’s premiere B2B trade event on Building and Construction Technology, BTA 2022 aims to help accelerate the adoption of digitalized solution and smart technologies as part of the industry transformation roadmap for the Built Environment sector.
This 11th edition brings together 10,000 trade professionals to convene virtually and physically, to facilitate exchange of insights, knowledge, and solutions to help Start, Scale and Sustain their transformation journey, focusing on the following key segments: Building Materials, Construction Machineries, Architectural Finishes, Facilities Management and Productive Technology.