The Business Times Leaders' Forum 2018

Mon, 21 May, 2018, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

22 Orange Grove Rd, Singapore 258350

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* Lunch will be served after the event.


The diverse economic fabric of ASEAN presents promising prospects to spur its growth as the third-largest combined market in Asia. With emerging Southeast Asian economies growing up to 7%, Singapore businesses will be shifting their focus from bigger markets to areas closer to home.

Join us at this year's forum to discover why and how ASEAN can provide new opportunities and business ties to counter against slowing growth of the China market, populism in Europe, and protectionist policies in the United States. 



Mr Chan Chun Sing
Minister for Trade and Industry


Mr Liew Mun Leong
Chairman, Surbana Jurong Private Limited
Chairman, Changi Airport Group

Infrastructure & connectivity between ASEAN countries & how it affects the economies
From the development economics standpoint, ASEAN countries could expand its economic growth through further urbanisation and infrastructure development. Unlike other regional continental economies like Europe, North America and China, ASEAN’s geography is widely dispersed. More can be done to improve its infrastructure to beef up member countries' connectivity within the region and globally, especially through aviation. 


ASEAN: Prospects and Challenges
The survey polls businesses on their views on ASEAN markets, their ASEAN operations, and what they see as opportunities and challenges.


Mr Edward Lee
Chief Economist, ASEAN and South Asia, Standard Chartered Bank



ASEAN: How to win it in business

Hear from a group of distinguished speakers from the public and private sectors, as they discuss the opportunities and challenges of doing business in Southeast Asia.



Mr Chan Chun Sing
Minister for Trade and Industry


Mr Liew Mun Leong
Chairman, Surbana Jurong Private Limited
Chairman, Changi Airport Group


Mr Alexis Lanternier
CEO, Lazada Singapore

Mr Ho Meng Kit
Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Business Federation


Mr Tan Soon Kim
Assistant CEO, Enterprise Singapore




Registration + Breakfast


Welcome Note by Mr Wong Wei Kong, Editor, The Business Times;  and Ms Judy Hsu, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore and ASEAN Markets, Standard Chartered Bank


Survey Findings Presentation  

ASEAN: Prospects and Challenges

The survey will poll businesses on their views on ASEAN markets, their ASEAN operations, and what they see as opportunities and challenges.


Mr Edward Lee

Chief Economist, ASEAN and South Asia, Standard Chartered Bank


Special Speaker  

“Infrastructure & connectivity between ASEAN countries & how it affects the economies”

From the development economics standpoint, ASEAN countries could expand its economic growth through further urbanisation and infrastructure development. Unlike other regional continental economies like Europe, North America and China,  ASEAN’s geography is widely dispersed. More can be done to improve its infrastructure to beef up member countries' connectivity within the region and globally, especially through aviation. Liew Mun Leong, Chairman of Surbana Jurong Group, an urbanisation and infrastructure group and Chairman of Changi Airport will discuss some issues relating to key infrastructure projects such as airports at the conference.


Mr Liew Mun Leong

Chairman, Surbana Jurong Private Limited

Chairman, Changi Airport Group


Coffee Break  


Keynote Speech by Guest-Of-Honour, Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Trade and Industry


Panel Discussion

ASEAN: How to win it in business

Hear from a group of distinguished speakers from the public and private sectors, as they discuss the opportunities and challenges of doing business in Southeast Asia.


(1) Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Trade and Industry;

(2) Mr Liew Mun Leong, Chairman of Surbana Jurong Private Limited, and Chairman of Changi Airport Group;

(3) Mr Alexis Lanternier, CEO of Lazada Singapore;

(4) Mr Ho Meng Kit, CEO of Singapore Business Federation;

(5) Mr Tan Soon Kim, Assistant CEO of Enterprise Singapore


Lunch served



The Business Times Leaders' Forum 2018

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