Aerospace & Defence Symposium 2018

Fri, 20 Apr, 2018, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

Mandarin Oriental Singapore

5 Raffles Avenue, Singapore

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Big Data, mmWave Devices and Phase-Array Beamforming Components in Next Generation Defence

Keysight's largest Aerospace and Defence Symposium held annually for the past 5 years has arrived!

Aerospace & Defence Symposium is Keysight's signature seminar that gathers our division and local experts to share defence industry trends and their domain expertise.

This year symposium will focus on the following interesting areas:
  • Big Data in Spectrum Management and Better Instruments Life Management
  • Understanding Design of Phased-Array Antenna Beamforming and Component IC
  • Better Radar Target Simulation Method
  • mmWave Trend and Component Characterization
Plus visit the largest ever solution showcase - 4 speciality zones to talk to our technical experts:
  • Defence Simulation and Realistic Emulation
  • Software and Services
  • Signal Monitoring and Spectrum Management
  • Design Validation and Testing
Join us and stand a chance to win attractive lucky draw prizes!
0830-0900Registration & Breakfast
0900-0905Opening Speech
0905-0950Test & & Measurement Trends for Aerospace & Defence
0950-1035Collecting and Using Big Data for Spectrum Management
1035-1115Coffee/Tea Break
1115-1200Reducing the Cost of Radar Target Simulation using COTS Test and Measurement Equipment
1330-1415Introducing a Design Verification Test Solution for Multi-Channel Phased-Array Antenna IC and TR Modules
1415-1450Reducing Costs and Time-to-Market with Test Asset Optimization
1450-1520Coffee/Tea Break
1520-1605Fully Characterizing Active and Passive Millimeter-Wave Components
1605-1640Cost Effective Approach to EW Radar Systems in Design, Verification and Test
1640-1700Closing & Lucky Draw

Paper Abstracts
Paper 1: Test & Measurement Trends for Aerospace & Defense
Speaker: Steven Huang, Business Development Manager

The rapid and on-going integration of new technologies into aerospace and defence systems brings tremendous challenges. The race to keep up with emerging threats from potential adversaries puts a strain on already tight budgets.  At the same time, performance and reliability requirements continue to become increasingly stringent.  Test tools must adapt by addressing issues such as ease of use, cost of test and, perhaps most importantly, cutting-edge performance. This paper will explore current trends in test equipment and associated software, highlighting new architectures and capabilities that solve characterization challenges in radar, EW, SIGINT, terrestrial military communications, and satellite technology.
Paper 2: Collecting and Using Big Data for Spectrum Management
Speaker: Raymond Shen, Director of Signal Monitoring Solution Group

The latest spectrum-monitoring software can discriminate signal energy from noise energy and store the results in a database. Over time, this creates a comprehensive picture of spectrum use that supports management and regulation as well as interference detection and location. The technical content of this paper will focus on signal energy detection and the type of meta-data to be collected. It will also describe big-data applications in satellite monitoring, facility monitoring, and band-clearing operations.
Paper 3: Reducing the Cost of Radar Target Simulation using COTS Test and Measurement Equipment
Speaker: Teh Boon Poh, Senior Application Consultant

In today’s highly complex electronic battlespace, proper emulation of realistic radar returns is essential to the validation of system performance. The resulting test requirements are driving the need for lower-latency test systems in radar range calibration, radar target simulation, transponder testing, and more. This paper discusses commercial ADC, FGPA, and DAC technologies that reduce test latency and thereby lower the cost of test for next-generation radar systems.
Paper 4: Introducting a Design Verification Test Solution for Multi-Channel Phased-Array Antenna IC and TR Modules
Speaker: Maehara Hiroyuki, Application Expert

Digital beamforming has become popular in phased-array antenna designs because it provides important advantages in applications such as communication, sensing and radar. In the constituent ICs and TR modules, beamforming demands higher-level integration as well as high-frequency and wide-bandwidth operation. This paper reviews the challenges in module verification and introduces a solution architecture that improves the stability and accuracy of testing. It also presents a measurement-feasibility study and an optimum approach to system calibration.
Paper 5: Reducing Costs and Time-to-Market with Test Asset Optimization 
Speaker: Stewart Forsyth, Business Development Engineer

With firm, fixed-price contracts, strategies to reduce costs and maintain schedule are at the forefront of program planning and execution. Controlling the purchase of test systems according to cost and throughput will likely be part of those strategies. However, this approach often overlooks on-going usage and maintenance, factors that affect operational costs and program schedules. This paper will outline strategies for test asset optimization using a software tool that monitors asset usage and health. We will also present an example in which a company reduced OPEX, accelerated time-to-market, and improved throughput and quality.
Paper 6: Fully Characterizing Active and Passive Millimeter-Wave Components
Speaker: Maehara Hiroyuki, Application Expert

Millimeter-Wave technology will help address the endless demand for ever-faster wireless data rates. To meet that demand, designers and manufacturers will need solutions that provide full characterization of active and passive components. This paper will focus on device testing at millimeter frequencies using a vector network analyzer (VNA). The presentation will detail the system architecture and describe key capabilities that ensure complete and accurate measurements within several application examples. Additional topics include spectrum analysis with a VNA; differential, converter and amplifier measurements; and millimeter-wave calibration.
Paper 7:  Cost Effective Approach to EW Radar Systems in Design, Verification and Test
Speaker: Ang Swee Tiong, EESof Business Development Manager

Design and test for radar and EW systems must be considered under complex environment scenarios.  While targets being detected are moving in environments such as noise, clutters and interference, the radar transmission and receiving stations are installed on motion platforms. To have an accurate solution for detecting targets, we have to consider the impacts caused by moving targets as well as the radar station platform movements. This paper presents a new Scenario Framework Simulation technique to address these complex problems.  Examples will be shown to illustrate the proposed approach.

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Aerospace & Defence Symposium 2018

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