7th NUHS-Harvard BIDMC Internal Medicine Conference

31 May - 1 Jun, 2024

NUHS Tower Block, Main Auditorium

Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore

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The 7th edition of the NUHS-Harvard BIDMC Internal Medicine Conference 2024 will be held on 31 May - 1 June 2024. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre (BIDMC) is a major teaching affiliate of the Harvard Medical School. This conference started as a partnership between NUHS and Harvard-BIDMC as an internal medicine conference targeted at residents to help them keep abreast with updates in medical fields. From the 5th edition onwards, we expanded the conference to benefit not just internal medicine residents, but all specialists (junior and senior) across medically-related specialties and our colleagues in primary care. 

With this year's theme of "Health of All, Everyone, Everywhere", w
e hope the event will not only provide a learning platform for you but also opportunities to network with local and international experts and peers. The sessions will undoubtedly provide invaluable insights into the current trends and issues in Internal Medicine and beyond.

We hope that this conference will leave you with renewed passion for the practice of Medicine and give a boost in your journey towards providing better care for patients.

Registration is now open.
For more enquiries, email medconference@nus.edu.sg


Day 1: 31st May 2024

0730 - 0735Conference Opening and Welcome
Opening Morning Plenaries
0735 - 0800What Health for All means for Everyone in the Future? 
By Prof Yeoh Khay Guan
0800 - 0825Quality Improvement: Raising the Bar
By Prof Mark Zeidel
0825 - 0840Plenary Q&A
0840 - 0850 Break
Symposium 1
Obesity: The Metabolic Epidemic
0850 - 0925The setpoint theory in obesity: Beyond caloric balance
By A/Prof Khoo Chin Meng
0925 - 1000Managing Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: New Challenges, New Medications
By Prof Martin Abrahamson
1000 - 1035 Dietary modification for weight loss
By Dr Lim Su Lin
1035 - 1050Symposium 1 Q&A
1050 - 1100Break
Symposium 2
Gastroenterology and Hepatology review
1100 - 1135Management of chronic hepatitis: Overview and latest update
By Prof Dan Yock Young
1135 - 1215Challenging Cases in Hepatology and Gastroenterology
By Prof Sanjiv Chopra
1215 - 1250Approach to upper gastrointestinal blessing
By Dr Yousif A'Rahim
1250 - 1305Symposium 2 Q&A
1305 - 1330Lunch Break
Afternoon Plenary
1330 - 1430Clinical Reasoning from the Experts
By Residents, Prof Sanjiv Chopra, Dr Molly Hayes, Prof Paul Anatharajah Tambyah
1430 - 1500Break 
Symposium 3
Respiratory Medicine Review
1500 - 1535Approach to early diagnosis of lung cancer
By Dr Mamta Ruparel
1535 - 1615Challenging Cases in Respiratory Medicine
By Dr Molly Hayes
1615 - 1650 Tuberculosis: An update on management
By Dr Catherine Ong
1650 - 1710Symposium 3 Q&A
End of Day 1

Day 2: 1st June 2024

Morning Plenary
0800 - 0840Microbiome, Man and Medicine
By Prof Sanjiv Chopra
0840 - 0850Plenary Q&A
0850 - 0900 Break
Symposium 4
Clinical Conundrums
0900 - 0940Challenging Cases in Endocrinology
By Prof Martin Abrahamson
0940 - 1010Evaluating allergies and the role of immunotherapy
By Adj A/Prof Amelia Santosa
1010 - 1050 Challenging Cases in Nephrology
By Prof Mark Zeidel
1050 - 1100Break
Symposium 5
Stroke: Prevention, Detection and Health Restoration
1100 - 1135Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation: Roles of Direct Oral Anti Coagulants (DOACs)
By Dr Yap Eng Soo
1135 - 1210Update in stroke evaluation and management (Including AI component)
By Dr Leonard Yeo
1210 - 1245Post-stroke rehab: The Next Frontier
By Dr Effie Chew
1245 - 1300Symposium 5 Q&A
1300 - 1330Lunch Break
Afternoon Plenary
1330 - 1415Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Making Doctors Smarter
By Dr Yousif A'Rahim
1415 - 1500Break 
Symposium 6
Keeping the humanity in Medicine
1500 - 1535Palliative Care for the Internist: Nuts and Bolts
By Dr Noreen Chan
1535 - 1610Humanising the ICU
By Dr Molly Hayes
1610 - 1645 Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments
By Prof Jason Phua
1645 - 1700Symposium 6 Q&A
1700 - 1720Closing Ceremony and Address
End of Day 2
*Organisers reserve the right to amend programme

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