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Examples Of Effective Corporate Event Invitation Emails

Corporate Event Invitation Emails

We bet there are not too many email invitations in your inbox you can visualize without peeking if we ask you to. Most catchy, attention-grabbing corporate meeting invitations have some things in common. In this blog post, we break down the anatomy of a memorable meeting invitation email and immerse you in the best practices of corporate email communication.

First, let’s deal with the structure. Here are the elements that make corporate email invitations convert:

A good subject line

69% recipients send an email to spam if the subject line doesn’t catch their attention. Pulling a reader in is close to impossible if you don’t pick the right subject line. The challenge of a mind-blowing subject line is one you should approach seriously because event attendance is directly dependent on that first line your invitees see. A good subject line should intrigue, clearly identify why this email has been sent, and create a sense of urgency. Lastly, you have to keep it short (a maximum of 70 characters) and ensure the message isn’t cut off in a recipient’s inbox.

Opening and closing

There are two magic lines in your corporate email invite where you can add some personal notes and make it feel super friendly. Have a look at the email invitation below. “Please come to relax, socialize and lunch with us,” is the perfect closing sentence to instill the feeling of welcoming hospitality.

Opening and closing

The opening and closing are ideal places to highlight the invitees’ smiley-warm feelings at the event if they decide to attend. With something like, “Let’s kick this project off together!” or “Looking forward to have fun with you,” you’ll definitely sound convincing.


It’s super important to ensure people come prepared. The humble note, “Please be ready with the report,” simply doesn’t work. This is why you have to start your invitation by listing the key admission requirements near the top of your message.


There’s no way you can avoid mentioning the purpose of a meeting. A successful email invitation should answer any whys an invitee might have about the event. What are the corporate meeting to accomplish? How does it benefit the current skills, knowledge, or expertise of attendees? It’s critical to avoid vague statements that might rob your writing of its power. The organizers of the French Satellite Event have made it perfectly clear:


Time, data, location & duration

This info is another aspect without which you risk to end up with zero attendance. Whether it’s an inhouse event or a webinar, providing the key meeting details is a must. Specify the full address of the venue, including parking information and transport suggestions. If you invite people who live in different time zones, use online tools that align each email address with the right zone. For online meetings, provide relevant links and log in details.


If you expect people to show up and need to have an accurate headcount, you have to request an RSVP. Place a clearly specific, stand-out RSVP button at the end of your email invitation. Coloring the button a bright color and surrounding it with a white space is a foolproof strategy:


If relevant, you could add the agenda and list of speakers to add value to your event invitation but make sure there’s no text overload.

To be successful with corporate event invites, you have to see the whole picture, predict the recipients’ feedback, and ensure that every ingredient is included. Here’s what can happen if at least one thing is missing from your meeting invite:

5 examples of an invitation letter for a corporate business meeting

Jumping to the practical side of email invite anatomy, let’s review the top 5 examples of successful corporate meeting invitations and see what’s good about them.

1. Typecast online webinar

online webinar

What’s good?

Sense of urgency. The word, “Quick,” speaks for itself. You have the feeling you can miss something important if you don’t register Right Now! What’s more, the author emphasizes that the previous webinar was a success adding credibility to the upcoming event.
Vivid CTA. It’s clear, concise, well-positioned, and there’s a vivid color contrast.
Value promise. When you read the last section, you understand without a doubt how the participation in this webinar can help you hone your skills.

2. Corporate birthday celebration party

Birthday email

What’s good?

Design. The email invitation design is perfectly in line with the birthday celebration spirit. Glitter and gold + “dancing” fonts = party!
Catchy headline. You definitely love it when in a movie the birthday girl returns home, and there are her friends suddenly appearing from nowhere and shouting, “Happy Birthday!” This email headline gives you the chance to become part of this show.
Meeting details. With the time and address details clearly emphasized in this email, you definitely get to the right place on time.

3. ACG Capital Connection Event

Connection Event

What’s good?

Structure. We know, you love this one too. With its perfectly structured value promises as well as the prominent “whens” and “wheres,” you get the point at the first glance.
Icons. Using icons in the body of a corporate email invitation is an excellent way to spice up the copy.

4. Event management meeting for Government and Enterprise

GEVME email invitation

What’s good?

First things first. The key meeting details and the topic are emphasized at the top of the message. This is the perfect approach to formal invitation email writing.
White space. It’s proven that white space helps the human mind structure and interpret information more efficiently.
You can’t miss the CTA. It’s vivid and separated from the body of the message.

5. Business launch event

Business event

What’s good?

Catchy text. You feel the warmth when you read the copy. Both opening and closure incorporate personal appeal and a value promise.
Referral. In the bottom, you notice the conditions for participating in a referral program: Bring a friend = win a free gift. A great idea if you need to maximize registrations and raise awareness about a new business.


Using the capabilities of automation that GEVME Email Marketing provides and keeping some successful invitation letter samples in mind, you can take corporate event attendance to a delightful new level.

Level up your events with Gevme’s omnichannel event platform

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